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Relations Between Palestine and Israel

The situation in the region is complicated to say the least.


It has always been complicated to get Israel to respect the borders. To start, Israel has encouraged the building of Jewish settlements inside of the Palestinian territory. Once these towns are built, Israel has a claim to the land, as the population there would rather be part of Israel. Once there are many Israeli settlements in Palestine, Israel claims that they need to control the land that the roads are on in between the settlements in order to sufficiently provide for their cities. This is why the current map of Palestine looks like a bunch of blotches. The Palestinian territory has been divided up by both the Jewish settlements and the roads that connect them. Using these tactics, Israel has effectively occupied Palestinian land. With good reason, this makes the Palestinians quite angry at the Israel government. This also doesn't help to resolve the issue.


On the other hand, Palestinians have not been that kind to Israel, either. Because of the tensions between the countries, some Palestinians have resorted to violence and terrorism as a form of retaliation. This has not led to better relations between the countries, either. With both sides frustrated at each other, a solution is only getting further away.

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